8 Ways to Hack Instagram Password
Hi to all SPY24 website users; I am Keleis Andre, a cybersecurity expert. Today, I want to answer one of the common questions the SPY24 support team often asks: Is there software or a bot for hacking Instagram passwords? And if so, can anyone use it?
In this article, I will detail this topic and examine all aspects related to software and bots for hacking Instagram passwords. My goal is to familiarize you with the realities and details of this issue so that you can better understand the possibilities and risks in this area.
8 Ways to Hack Instagram Password
Instagram is a social network that requires a username and password to log in. You must enter your account with a password. As a result, hacking Instagram accounts has become a straightforward task, and you should always be careful with your Instagram accounts. Currently, obtaining others’ Instagram passwords and hacking others’ accounts is something that many people enjoy doing.
Hacking Instagram With a Password
Almost all Instagram hacking methods are such that the hacker has to find your Instagram password or crack it and be able to hack your account. Most different methods are also in a way that is either easy or complex; the hacker is trying to get your password from you or break it. We will explain the three main methods of obtaining others’ Instagram passwords.
What is Brute Force?
Brute Force attack (Cracking) is a common and most straightforward hacking method hackers use. This tool uses different usernames and passwords and breaks the Instagram account password. They are accessing the account by sending and testing many usernames and passwords on the login pages of websites or apps. What is cracking? Cracking or Cracking is the title of an operation that is mainly a hacker to obtain a password or username to enter a server, website, service, etc… In these types of attacks, the hacker uses patterns that he has at his disposal to use tools to test a list of users or existing passwords by the hacker on the desired server to ultimately lead to obtaining the username or password of the server, website, and …
1- Cracking Instagram accounts
Another method of hacking Instagram among hackers is obtaining the password through Cracking. In this method, the hacker starts testing a password list on his target username using various tools, and if one of the passwords is correct, the tool shows you the valid password. These Tools are one of the methods of hacking Instagram that, unfortunately, Instagram has also paved the way and does not prevent these Tools.
We are all familiar with the Google reCAPTCHA code or “I’m not a robot“. Many websites put this code on their website to prevent robots from entering the site and hacking social network accounts. The absence of this code causes various robots to be able to quickly enter the Instagram site and check as many passwords as needed to be able to hack Instagram accounts easily with their password.
2- Phishing Instagram Accounts
One of the methods of stealing information and gaining access to various individual accounts is phishing. To phish Instagram pages, you need a fake page (counterfeit page) to obtain the information of the person’s page of interest through it.
What is a fake page? Fake pages are the same as counterfeit pages designed as actual login pages of websites. If you enter these pages and enter your information, your information will be sent to the hacker. Hackers usually use fake pages with the theme of free followers to get target information.
However, remember that creating these fake pages requires learning programming languages, but some people have made public and free tools that create fake pages for you with a few simple commands in the terminal. You can use them to steal and hack the Instagram of the person you are interested in. One of these free tools is called Zphisher.
3- Social Engineering
Social Engineering, which we have discussed in other articles on the SPY24 website, is one of the methods available to you for hacking others.
In simple terms, social engineering means the art of deceiving a person. It’s about accessing the necessary phone or information to hack someone through a relationship you have with them or a relationship you establish with them.
To hack others using social engineering, you can employ a wide variety of different methods. More accurately, social engineering is a method you can use to hack others to perform your task better, and the person does not realize they have been hacked.
For social engineering, you need to connect with the person in question, or if you intend to hack someone familiar, get closer to them. After you get close enough to the person, you can ask for the information you want or persuade the person to do what you want.
Two interesting points in social engineering are that if your request is rejected, you probably need to get closer to the person, and you might make the person suspicious by asking too many questions. So be careful about when you ask the person. Some other tasks, such as phishing attacks, also occur due to social engineering, and many people consider social engineering the most dangerous hacking method.
In general, to avoid being hacked through social engineering, you should first know it well and, secondly, be careful not to tell essential topics and information to everyone in life. You can also visit the article “What is social engineering?” for a complete introduction.
4- Stealing Cookies
Have you ever saved your personal account information in the browsers you use? But what does this question have to do with hacking Instagram? These browsers store usernames, passwords, and data, including your login and logout dates, passwords, and many other details. So, by gaining access to the victim’s phone, you can steal these cookies. However, remember that the targeted individual must have used browsers to log into their account.
5- Hacking Instagram Website
Another method for hacking Instagram is to find bugs in the application and website of this program for eavesdropping on data and stealing information. This is the most challenging way to hack Instagram and is only used by a few professional hackers.
Zero Day Vulnerability:
A Zero-day vulnerability is a “software security flaw. It is recognized by the software vendor but does not have a patch to fix the flaw” and may be exploited by hackers. If a hacker finds a zero-day vulnerability in Instagram, there may be serious security risks for Instagram users and their accounts. Since this is an undiscovered vulnerability that has not yet been publicly announced, it gives an advantage to hackers.
6- Using Malware
One of the exciting methods I suggest for hacking Instagram is using malware! In this method, you give a RAT (Remote Access Trojan) that can access text messages to your target person to install. After the RAT is installed, you request to recover the password of that person’s account, and Instagram sends you a link to recover the password. In this way, you proceed to hack your target’s Instagram.
7- Hacking Instagram Account with Keylogger
Apart from other Instagram hacking Tools, one of the best methods and Tools everyone can use to hack other people’s Instagram accounts is keyloggers. By installing controlling Tools and keyloggers like free surveillance software on people’s phones, you can observe all the information that the person enters on their mobile phone and be informed about their Instagram username and password.
8- Hacking Instagram with Termux
One of the most important and well-known tools used for hacking various social networks is the Termux program, which is mainly used in the Linux operating system, but there is also an Android version. Termux is one of the tools designed in Linux and is used for hacking and password cracking. In the video below, you can learn how to hack Instagram with Termux.
Ways to Counteract Instagram Hacking
Just as there are ways to infiltrate and hack Instagram, there are ways to enhance security, and here we introduce you to a few of them.
1- The first method is to use strong passwords that make the cracking process lengthy and even impossible for the hacker.
2- Use two-step verification to log into your account.
3- Disconnect browsers from storing cookies.
4- Only use the original and reputable website and application to log into your account.
5- Don’t be fooled by greedy people!
Thank you for being with us until the end of this article. If you have any comments, share them with us in the comments section, and remember to follow us on Instagram:(https://www.instagram.com/spy24.app/). Lots of attractive tutorials are waiting for you…