
How Many Posts On Instagram Per Day? To Get Followers (Business)

Instagram Reels is arranged for massive growth if Instagram Stories is any indicator. Even if you’ve been utilizing the service for some time and have developed a community and fan base, you might be wondering when to publish on Instagram Reels. Of course, if you’ve done any social media marketing, you know how challenging it can be to choose the ideal time to share content. For pretty much any social media network you can imagine, there is a ton of statistics available, yet patterns can change every day.

Also, not every post you share will go viral just because it receives a lot of likes, shares, and comments at a certain time and on a certain day of the week. What should you do, then, to determine when it is best to publish on Instagram Reels in order to maximize your content and grow your audience? In this writing, we’ll discuss when it’s appropriate for you to publish Instagram Reels.

How many reels can I post a day in 2023? A complete guide

The subject of how often to post Instagram reels is now relevant. It has become a reliable general guideline to upload a reel whenever an Instagram user has something notable and novel to offer the viewers. Reels have developed into a crucial method of engaging an audience since they are a type of video containing images or anime and background music or a voiceover. Reels are becoming a common component of marketing and promotion plans for most businesses.

You are not limited to a certain amount of daily postings on Instagram. The suggestions you’ll see in the section below are just that—suggestions. Your feed can get lost in the shuffle since it is brief and packed with content if you disregard the suggestions in this article. It’s not advisable to make a lot of posts in a row. Instead, you should give yourself anywhere from a few minutes to several hours between updates.

If you post too frequently and your account appears spammy, your account may be temporarily suspended. As a general guideline, posts ought to be scheduled at least five minutes in advance. Following the guidelines in the section below that addresses the most satisfactory Instagram posting tactics is something we strongly suggest.

How Many Instagram Posts a Day Are Normal?

Two to three times a week is generally suggested for Instagram posting, but no more than once per day. Instagram Stories, on the other hand, have to be posted more regularly. The ideal procedure, according to Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri, is to post two stories and two feed posts each day.

This is how to grow and diversify your following on this well-known social media network, according to Mosseri. If you have any, your posting strategy should take into account how often your competitors post. It’s important to know that businesses typically publish 1.56 posts every day.

Studies reveal that daily posts are sufficient for Instagram engagement, while active Instagram users may post twice daily, according to Status Brew.

The absolute minimum amount of Instagram posts that are permitted is three, either three times per week or three times per day. It’s advised to post no more than three times every day. Despite the fact that there are numerous methods to communicate on the App, you won’t need to post more than once every day or even three times per week. You may feel overwhelmed or bothered by all these numbers and facts. This is just one of the reasons posting at the right time is so crucial on Instagram. Let’s now study that component.

What Are the Ideal Instagram Posting Times?

In addition to knowing the best practices for how many Instagram posts are appropriate daily, there are criteria for the optimum times to publish. The ideal time to post on Instagram is frequently on Tuesday between 11 AM and 12 PM Central time, according to Hubspot (CDT). Also, this is the perfect time to raise engagement levels throughout the remainder of the week. In addition, certain industries have specified hours:

  • For the tech sector, on Monday between 10 AM and 10 PM CDT.
  • Nonprofits: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. CDT, Monday through Friday.
  • Tuesday between 8 AM and 12 PM and 5 PM and 8 PM.
  • Monday, 9 AM to 1 PM CDT, for restaurants and the food business.
  • Healthcare sector: on Monday between 4 and 5 AM CDT.

Consider these times, your time zone, and your industry before posting. You might find that you can change these times to reflect your local time.

You might need to try out several publishing times until you find the one that works best for your Instagram niche and target audience. In general, the optimal time to post on Instagram for the best results is from mid-morning to early afternoon. To get maximum engagement, the best moment to post something on Instagram is right before it goes live.

Posting at night is less effective because you have a lower chance of connecting with most of your audience. Nighttime blogging is not going to be beneficial unless your listener is abroad.

How many Instagram posts, including stories, reels, & live videos, are there daily?

We’ll quickly go through the additional Instagram features that improve engagement and how frequently to post using Lives, Reels, and Stories.

  • Instagram Stories

While some like to share 20 Instagram Stories per day, the suggested frequency is 10 per day. If you post too many Stories, your target audience won’t be able to keep up with them all.

Each day, try to post no more than 10 Stories at once. Give them some space. The ideal approach is that you should post your Instagram Stories regularly in the morning, midday, afternoon (early and late), and then the night.

  • Reels

Instagram recommends posting 5 to 7 videos weekly. As Instagram prioritizes videos, your video will be more visible, increasing your interaction.

  • Live

Live broadcasting is a fantastic way to interact with your Instagram followers. This is one of the best ways to communicate with your audience directly. You need to have a technique and plan before going live. The suggested frequency for Live videos is once every week or every two weeks. By doing this, you keep up your relationship with your followers.

How Many Instagram Posts Per Day Are Optimal for Hashtags?

Oberlo statistics show that the average Instagram post contains more than ten hashtags. Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags. Now imagine posting more than three times each day. If you constantly use the allowed number of hashtags, you risk losing the trust of your audience.

In the same way that you should be careful not to over a pot on Instagram, you should utilize hashtags wisely. Those of you who have ever seen a post with 30 hashtags will understand what we mean. Even though you want individuals to discover you using them and with relevant content, it’s a suitable idea to utilize hashtags sparingly.

Strategies for the Most Effective Instagram Reel Posting Times

Your primary focus should be creating engaging content for your target audience, but you also need to know when to post it online to increase the likelihood that people will see it when they are actively using the social media platform of your choosing. To determine the ideal time to upload content to Instagram Reels, consider the following tips:

Where Are You Targeting Your Audience?

Instagram Reels has a widespread user base as a result of Instagram’s popularity. For instance, the United States has 130 million Instagram users, followed by India with 100 million, and Brazil, with 91 million, to round out the top three Instagram-using nations. Nonetheless, there are still hundreds of millions of Instagram users worldwide.

These numbers are important since your audience’s location will affect not just the kind of content you create but also when you should post it. Peak hours in a specific place will be greatly impacted by time zones.

But how can you make the most of this knowledge to decide when to publish on Instagram Reels?

Find out where your followers are. You may access Instagram Insights with a creator or business account, which will display the cities or nations where your followers are located. Open Instagram, go to your profile, and hit Insights to view insights.

Tap on “Your Total Followers” after that.

Your Follower Breakdown is on the following screen.  Although it defaults to cities, you may tap to change it to countries.

 You now know where the majority of your followers are from!

When Does Your Audience Normally Wake Up?

You can determine when your audience is most likely to be awake once you know where they are located. The use of an Instagram analytics program would greatly simplify this part, which is obviously a little messy. Working with time zones is necessary without an analytics tool. If the majority of your audience is in Thailand or India, the time difference will only be approximately an hour and a half; if they are in North America or the UK, however, you will need to plan and arrange your content to account for an eight-hour time difference.

See what we imply when we say “messy”?

You can schedule some things if you have an Instagram business account. Sadly, Reels are an exception. Also, unlike Instagram Stories, there are currently no scheduling solutions available that allow you to post Instagram Reels automatically. Create a content calendar that takes into account the principal time zones and geographic regions from where your followers are sourced. This can be challenging to maintain if you have viewers in countries with significant time zones, but as of this writing, there is no other option.

Now you’re ready to use these additional six strategies to expand your following and increase engagement with Instagram Reels once you’ve established the ideal time to post on the platform and have made a content plan.

Discover Your Special Offering

You must identify your unique selling point if you want to draw a wide audience. Who should watch your Instagram Reels, anyway? This extends beyond talents or features. In truth, your unique contribution is really only enhanced by your physical attributes and skills. It does seem a little “out there,” right? You’ll have lots of suggestions if you simply ask your friends and family what they appreciate most about you. Being authentic is what matters most. Don’t try to create content in the same way that everyone else does.

An excellent example of someone who has amassed a large Instagram following by being authentic is Rachel Brathen. She shares her love of yoga and promotes her many goals on Instagram Stories. Lea Luna, her husband Dennis, and their wonderful life on the island of Aruba, which Rachel adores profoundly, will all come to light if you follow her for any length of time. You’ll also learn about her challenges with saying the right thing in the wrong way, which are aspects of her life that other influencers don’t discuss.

With her willingness to acknowledge her flaws and humanity, Rachel distinguishes herself from other fitness and yoga influencers.

More Content Creation

Probably all you did was grunt a little. Although this advice seems apparent, creators are well aware of how challenging it is to consistently come up with fun, original ideas. The good news is that you don’t always need to provide original or humorous material. You may utilize Instagram Reels to create a vlog. This might entail sharing a brief update without the use of video editing software rather than planning and putting together the ideal transition over the course of several hours.

Work With Other Instagrammers

Cross-promotion is a great strategy to spread the word about your brand to more people on Instagram. And doing it is very simple. Simply contact a company or influencer whose audience shares yours whether they would like to work together on a post or series of posts. Make sure this person is someone your audience would love as you would be giving them access to your audience. Cross-promotion is advantageous for both parties and will aid in growing your following and expanding your reach.

Make challenges and take part in them

It stands to reason that challenges, which are hugely popular on TikTok, will also be popular on Instagram Reels. If you’re taking part in a trending challenge, they’re a terrific method to gain new followers and a fairly simple approach to promoting your brand.

Apply hashtags

With the hashtag concept, Twitter truly hit the mark. To make it simpler for people to find their work on social media, creators use hashtags. But you can’t just choose any hashtag and hope that it will attract views on its own. Look for and employ hashtags that apply to your content. If the hashtag you select isn’t suitable, you’ll find yourself grouped with content that has nothing to do with what you’re doing or what your audience is expecting.

Repurpose Current Content

The information you’ve produced has likely taken a lot of your time, effort, and creative energy. Thus, why not make the most of it? Repurposing content is a fantastic approach to sharing something new with your audience without constantly having to produce brand-new content.

Repurposed content can be something as straightforward as a “throwback” or “flashback” post, but if you produce content for other platforms, you should think about modifying that content for Instagram Reels. You might use content from TikTok, for instance, if you already use Instagram Reels. You might also produce YouTube content. Without having to create anything altogether new, you can quickly create brand-new Instagram Reels content by just editing that clip to the proper length.


Then, how many Instagram posts per day are suitable? The number of posts you publish each day is up to you, but you should stay within the reasonable bounds we’ve given you. By not continually publishing on Instagram or any other social media network, you can avoid coming out as irritating or spammy.

Together with posting the right quantity of content each day at the right time of day, keep in mind to develop high-quality and relevant content for your audience. Ensure to use the relevant hashtags when uploading Instagram Stories, Reels, and Lives. To accomplish this task, you can utilize the blog section of SPY24. Additionally, you can explore our other articles like the 21 Best Buy Instagram Followers 2023 %100 Real.


Does it matter what time you publish on Instagram Reels?

Simply said, absolutely. You should post content at the ideal moment to boost interaction if you want to get the most out of your efforts on Instagram Reels. The two most important considerations for determining the ideal times to publish on Instagram Reels are the location of your audience and the hour at which they are up and active on the platform.

How frequently should I upload content to Instagram Reels?

A lot of producers of short-form video content, such as TikTok influencers, publish at least a few times every day. Because Instagram Reels is video-based, it’s critical to keep in mind that producing high-quality content will need more time and work than producing text- or image-based posts for Facebook or Twitter, or even creating posts for ordinary Instagram. When it comes to short-form video content, quality is considerably more crucial than quantity. The videos must be worthwhile even though they are brief, or else your target audience will keep scrolling. Yet, you should post at least once every day if you want to develop a loyal and enthusiastic audience.

How do I obtain more Instagram Reels views?

On Instagram Reels, there is no secret to increasing views. To improve the number of views your Instagram Reels receive, you may do a variety of things, including:
-Produce engaging content and include appropriate hashtags in your captions. 
– Use music in your films
– Be up to date with issues and trends
– Don’t forget to interact with your audience.
It will be a lot better use of your time to follow these fundamental guidelines rather than try to manipulate the algorithm. Better content also increases audience engagement.

Does Instagram Reels support hashtags?

Yes! In order for Instagram users to find your content, hashtags are crucial. There are hashtags for challenges, various subjects, video techniques, and more. Many companies go so far as to create hashtags to collect all posts mentioning their brand in one convenient location.

How is Instagram Reels profitable?

Instagram Reels doesn’t presently have any adverts or other revenue-generating options. This is probably a major factor in why influencers and businesses haven’t yet made use of the site. Yet, Instagram generates revenue through sponsored posts and ad sales, much like Facebook advertising.

How Often To Post on IG To Maximize Growth

Maximizing Your Results on Instagram: A Realistic and Sustainable Approach

If you’re serious about growing on Instagram, it’s important to have a strategic approach to posting content. Here’s a realistic and sustainable approach that can help you hit your goals:

  • Post between 4 and 7 times per week
  • Of those posts, 2 to 5 should be reels (as they can bring you the most possible reach and bring the most people to the top of your funnel)
  • 1 to 2 main feed static posts per week
  • 2 carousel posts per week (as they are a strong trust-building type of content that can help move viewers from casual viewers to true fans/customers)

Posting content in this way will help you achieve the Know-Like-Trust factor that you need to succeed on Instagram.

Why Reels Are So Important

Reels are a major priority, as they are the type of content that can get pushed in front of new people. To maximize the potential reach, try to post between 2-5 reels per week.

Using Carousels to Build Trust

Carousels are often overlooked but are a powerful trust-building tool. They allow you to share specific knowledge and expertise with your audience, helping you establish yourself as an authority figure. Try to post 2 carousel posts per week.

How Often to Post on Instagram

The sweet spot for posting on Instagram is between 4-7 posts per week. This is an attainable and realistic number that can help you hit your goals without burning out.

Using a Scheduler to Make Posting Easier

If you want to make posting content easier, try using a scheduler. This can streamline your posting process and help you stay consistent. You can access a scheduling tool for free using the link below.

Accessing the Free Scheduling Tool

You can access the scheduling tool for free, which allows you to post to Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok all from one place. Click on the link below to get started:

keleis andre

Keleis Andre is A tech writer specialising in cybersecurity expert, author, and Manager at SPY24 Company. On this and several other GDPR, MDR, and ethical hacking projects. Hacking, Social Engineering, and Security Awareness Training: My goal is to educate, inform and entertain as I write about my journeys in the tech and cyber space.

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