Free Google Play Gift Card with Termux: In this article, we have taught you how to get a free Google Play gift card with the Termux app, so stay with us.
Getting a gift card in Termux:
Enter the Termux app and follow these steps:
First, download all packages:
pkg install git
pkg install python2
pkg install toilet
If you are asked any questions during the installation, press y to install.
rm -rf M_giftcard
After installing the packages, it’s time to install the Git.
Enter the following code:
git clone https://github.com/Mohammadjan1122/M_giftcard
After installing Git, we enter the Git file with the following code:
cd M_giftcard
python2 M_giftcard.py
Then, it asks you for a username and password:
Username: keleis
Pass: SPY24
The gift card codes provided to you do not necessarily work for all of them, and you must test them.